Anahita Sasani

Introducing and technology of ornaments in the Khajeh Attabak-e Kerman’s tomb tower

Heritage 2012- 3nd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Porto - UNESCO World Heritage Site  – Portugal- P.P: 2079-2086; 2012
Abstract: Stucco ornaments, brickworks and tile maker's craft allocate the great importance among the other works of Art and crafts which are related to architecture through many artists during many long years that applied in decoration of different parts of the residential, religious and mausoleum buildings. Familiarity with methods of the artists and utilized material of their works, recognizing of the accomplishing techniques is the best way of preservation and technical keeping these Arts. I attempt to present briefly Khajeh Attabak e Kerman’s building and technology of the used decoration in it, to take a step in recognition of these ornaments. It is worthy of mention that the explanation of master-workman of the Isfahan distinguished plaster molder –Mr. R. A’zami , who is the pioneer help me more.

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